Namespace: easings

core. easings

The system.transitions package use the core.easings library who contains all the easing functions to create the specific tweening effects.

These easings functions provide different flavors of math-based motion under a consistent API.

easing description in out inout
linear simple linear tweening : no easing, no acceleration - - -
back back easing : overshooting cubic easing: (s+1)t^3 - st^2 yes yes yes
bounce bounce easing : exponentially decaying parabolic bounce yes yes yes
circular circular easing : sqrt(1-t^2) yes yes yes
cubic cubic easing : t^3 yes yes yes
elastic elastic easing : exponentially decaying sine wave yes yes yes
expo exponential easing : 2^t yes yes yes
quad quadratic easing : t^2 yes yes yes
quartic quartic easing : t^4 yes yes yes
quintic quintic easing : t^5 yes yes yes
regular regular easing yes yes yes
sine sinusoidal easing : sin(t) yes yes yes


backIn(t, b, c, d [, s])

The backIn function starts the motion by backtracking and then reversing direction and moving toward the target.

Name Type Argument Default Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.

s number <optional>

Specifies the amount of overshoot, where the higher the value, the greater the overshoot.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.


backInOut(t, b, c, d [, s])

The backInOut method combines the motion of the backIn and backOut methods

Name Type Argument Default Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.

s number <optional>

Specifies the amount of overshoot, where the higher the value, the greater the overshoot.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

backOut(t, b, c, d [, s])

The backIn function starts the motion by moving towards the target, overshooting it slightly,

Name Type Argument Default Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.

s number <optional>

Specifies the amount of overshoot, where the higher the value, the greater the overshoot.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

bounceIn(t, b, c, d)

The bounceIn function starts the bounce motion slowly and then accelerates motion as it executes.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

bounceInOut(t, b, c, d)

The bounceInOut function combines the motion of the bounceIn and bounceOut functions

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

bounceOut(t, b, c, d)

The bounceOut function starts the bounce motion fast and then decelerates motion as it executes.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

circularIn(t, b, c, d)

The circularIn function starts motion from zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

circularInOut(t, b, c, d)

The circularInOut function combines the motion of the circularIn and circularOut methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

circularOut(t, b, c, d)

The circularOut function starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

cubicIn(t, b, c, d)

The cubicIn function starts motion from zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

cubicInOut(t, b, c, d)

The cubicOut function combines the motion of the cubicIn and cubicOut functions to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.

A cubic equation is based on the power of three : p(t) = t * t * t.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

cubicOut(t, b, c, d)

The cubicOut function starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.

A cubic equation is based on the power of three : p(t) = t * t * t.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

elasticIn(t, b, c, d [, a] [, p])

The elasticIn function starts motion from zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes.

Name Type Argument Default Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.

a number <optional>

Specifies the amplitude of the sine wave.

p number <optional>

Specifies the period of the sine wave.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

elasticInOut(t, b, c, d [, a] [, p])

The elasticInOut function combines the motion of the elasticIn and elasticOut methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.

Name Type Argument Default Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.

a number <optional>

Specifies the amplitude of the sine wave.

p number <optional>

Specifies the period of the sine wave.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

elasticOut(t, b, c, d [, a] [, p])

The elasticOut function starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.

Name Type Argument Default Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.

a number <optional>

Specifies the amplitude of the sine wave.

p number <optional>

Specifies the period of the sine wave.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

expoIn(t, b, c, d)

The expoIn function starts motion from zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes. The exponential functions is based on the number 2 raised to a multiple of 10 : p(t) = 2^10(t-1)

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

expoInOut(t, b, c, d)

The expoInOut function combines the motion of the expoIn and expoOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity. The exponential functions is based on the number 2 raised to a multiple of 10 : p(t) = 2^10(t-1)

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

expoOut(t, b, c, d)

The expoOut function starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes. The exponential functions is based on the number 2 raised to a multiple of 10 : p(t) = 2^10(t-1)

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

linear(t, b, c, d)

The linear function starts a basic and linear motion.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

quarticIn(t, b, c, d)

The quarticIn function starts motion from zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes. A quartic equation is based on the power of four : p(t) = t * t * t * t

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

quarticInOut(t, b, c, d)

The quarticInOut function combines the motion of the quarticIn and quarticOut methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity. A quartic equation is based on the power of four : p(t) = t * t * t * t

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

quarticOut(t, b, c, d)

The quarticOut function starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes. A quartic equation is based on the power of four : p(t) = t * t * t * t

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

quintic(t, b, c, d)

The quinticIn function starts motion from zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes. A quintic easing continues the upward trend, raises time to the fifth power : p(t) = t * t * t * t * t

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

quinticInOut(t, b, c, d)

The quinticInOut function combines the motion of the quinticIn() and quinticOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity. A quintic easing continues the upward trend, raises time to the fifth power : p(t) = t * t * t * t * t

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

quinticOut(t, b, c, d)

The quinticOut function starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes. A quintic easing continues the upward trend, raises time to the fifth power : p(t) = t * t * t * t * t

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

regularIn(t, b, c, d)

The regularIn function starts motion from zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

regularInOut(t, b, c, d)

The regularInOut function combines the motion of the regularIn() and regularOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

regularOut(t, b, c, d)

The regularOut function starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

sineIn(t, b, c, d)

The sineIn function starts motion from zero velocity and then accelerates motion as it executes.

A sinusoidal equation is based on a sine or cosine function. Either one produces a sine wave—a periodic oscillation of a specific shape.

This is the equation on which I based the easing curve : p(t) = sin( t * Math.PI / 2 )

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

sineInOut(t, b, c, d)

The sineInOut function combines the motion of the sineIn() and sineOut() methods to start the motion from a zero velocity, accelerate motion, then decelerate to a zero velocity.

A sinusoidal equation is based on a sine or cosine function. Either one produces a sine wave—a periodic oscillation of a specific shape.

This is the equation on which I based the easing curve : p(t) = sin( t * Math.PI / 2 )

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.

sineOut(t, b, c, d)

The sineOut function starts motion fast and then decelerates motion to a zero velocity as it executes.

A sinusoidal equation is based on a sine or cosine function. Either one produces a sine wave—a periodic oscillation of a specific shape.

This is the equation on which I based the easing curve : p(t) = sin( t * Math.PI / 2 )

Name Type Description
t number

Specifies the current time, between 0 and duration inclusive.

b number

Specifies the initial value of the animation property.

c number

Specifies the total change in the animation property.

d number

Specifies the duration of the motion.


The value of the interpolated property at the specified time.